Why can't winter gloves keep your hands WARM & DRY?
After spending 12 winters on the job here in the northeast I can't tell you how many pairs of winter gloves I've gone through. It seems like every winter I find myself trying yet another pair of winter gloves in an effort to keep my hands warm AND dry while on patrol. You all know how miserable it is working in foul weather to begin with. But couple that with having wet, freezing hands while you're out there and it makes it that much worse.
Many gloves that I tried over the years, many by BIG name outdoors companies, did a decent job of keeping my hands warm....until they got WET!! Just that little bit of moisture from either knocking snow off my patrol car, putting out or picking up traffic cones on an accident scene in the rain/snow or simply directing traffic in the rain/snow and that was it. My gloves would be wet and soaked, and before I knew it....so were my hands. And as many of you know, wet hands in the winter equals COLD HANDS!
Eventually I gave up trying to find gloves that would keep my hands warm and dry and just got used to the procedure of having to throw my gloves up on the dashboard of my patrol car and blast the heat to the windshield to dry them out. At times, when my fingers were also frozen, I would alternate the heat between the windshield to dry out my gloves and the dashboard vents to thaw out my fingers. Of course in the winter time when I'm all bundled up on patrol this lead to turning my car into an oven and nearly sweating to death....all because my gloves failed to keep my hands warm and dry! If you're laughing right now as you read this....you know EXACTLY what I'm talking about!
So after 12 winters on the job I decided enough was enough. There had to be a solution to this problem that my fellow officers and I deal with every winter. That's when I started working on The Equinoxx Glove!
Click here to shop --> www.221btactical.com/products/equinoxx-glove
The Equinoxx Glove is like nothing you've worn before. I specifically designed The Equinoxx Glove to stand up to the rigors of daily winter patrol use. We also integrated features from our Exxtremity Glove into The Equinoxx Glove so that you can enjoy the benefits of hands-free lighting while on the job. This comes in handy while directing traffic and conducting many other patrol activities in the winter months. But MOST importantly, I designed The Equinoxx Gloves to not only keep your hands warm....but also DRY! That's right....The Equinoxx Glove is 100% waterproof!
I realized that the two things that make your hands cold in the winter are the wind and dampness. And dampness can come from the elements OR from your hands perspiring. Once your hands get wet and the wind kicks in....it's all over! So with this in mind I designed The Equinoxx Gloves to be 100% waterproof from the elements, windproof AND breathable!
Now before you go and dismiss this as yet another bogus claim, let me assure you of one thing. I have personally purchased MANY gloves over the past 12 years that have claimed to be "waterproof" but were the farthest thing from it. Fancy labels with fancy brand names don't mean anything to me anymore....I've tried them all!! What matters in the end is what actually WORKS! And if you're looking for a winter glove that will keep your hands warm AND dry....look no further.
Many cops, like myself, are too skeptical to believe what they read....no matter how compelling the narrative may be. That is precisely why I created the video below!! I wanted to show everyone in real time just how amazing these gloves truly are. Watch a demo of The Equinoxx Gloves in action! You have to see it to believe it!
So if you're like me and tired of cold, wet hands in the winter....do yourself (and your hands) a favor and try The Equinoxx Gloves by 221B Tactical. At just $39.99 these gloves will instantly become one of your favorite things to carry in your patrol bag AND personal vehicle!!
Click here to shop --> www.221btactical.com/products/equinoxx-glove
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