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WARM WEATHER IS COMING!!!  And if you wear body armor on the job you know what you're in for!!

WARM WEATHER IS COMING!!! And if you wear body armor on the job you know what you're in for!!

-Sweat soaked undershirt

-Sweat soaked body armor

-Foul odor


-Skin irritations which can lead to infections


Stop suffering and being miserable!  

Relief is here!


The Maxx-Dri Ultra Comfort Vest was designed and patented by an active duty police officer to help keep those wearing body armor drier, cooler, healthier, more comfortable AND more focused on the JOB!

Don't suffer any more! Make the decision that nearly 12,000 first responders world wide have made....GET A MAXX-DRI VEST!

Click the link below to learn how you can GET YOURS TODAY!

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