Do you hate the stinky odor of your child's hockey pads? Well the odor is NOT the worst part!
Learn more here: https://www.amazon.com/221B-Tactical-Maxx-Dri-Football-Ventilation/dp/B08KWVYHZN/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=Maxx+dri+hockey&qid=1605118468&sr=8-1
Millions of parents across the country (and around the world) have become all too familiar with the foul odor of their child's hockey pads. And despite trying dozens of different remedies, the problem still exists.
But the odor is actually a sign of an even deeper, more dangerous concern....bacteria! It's the bacteria from your child's perspiration that is the cause of that unbearable odor. And it is this bacteria the can lead to a host of dangerous health problems for your child....some of which can even be deadly. (Inform yourself about MRSA by reading below.)
Now a breakthrough innovation, originally developed for the police and military, in preliminary testing has shown astonishing results in the youth sports arena when it comes to battling odor and dangerous bacteria in your child's sports pads.
This innovation was invented by 13 year Police Veteran Suresh Madhavan. After suffering for over a decade with the sweat, odor and bacterial skin infections caused by prolonged wearing of body armor (known by most civilians as "bullet-proof vests") he decided something had to be done. Since he had originally gone to school to study medince, prior to becoming a police officer, he went back to his roots of biochemistry and, with the help of two friends in the fabric/textile world, invented The Maxx-Dri Vest.
The Maxx-Dri Vest solved an age old problem that plagued hundreds of thousands of police officers and military personell across the world....lack of ventilation and breathability while wearing body armor. Despite wearing expensive undershirts such as Under Armor and Nike Dri-Fit, officers (Madhavan included) were still dealing with the fact that the body armor did not allow these "moisture wicking" shirts to do their job and wick moisture into the atmosphere. Once the body armor was on their bodies it essentially suffocated their shirts (and skin)...not allowing these expensive shirts to work and not allowing their skin to breath. This resulted in dealing with a sweat-soaked shirt for hours on end....which lead to a host of dangersous skin rashes and infections.
Today The Maxx-Dri Vest has revolutionized body armor ventilation and body armor cooling. Now nearly 40,000 police officers and military operatives across the country and around the world are enjoying being drier, safer and more comfortable thanks to the body armor ventilation and cooling offered by The Maxx-Dri Vest. Some of the testimonials from officers on the company's facebook page are downright moving. But something strange happened one day in 2015 which lead Madhavan (now CEO of New York City based 221B Tactical, which produces The Maxx-Dri Vest) to develop a prototype that would ultimately serve a purpose that not even he saw coming.
The wife of a police officer whose husband was using and in love with The Maxx-Dri Vest emailed and asked if she could order a Maxx-Dri Vest in their smallest available size for her son who plays ice hockey. When they inquired as to what she was up to, she advised that her son's hockey pads smelled awful and that she had tried everything in the book to help take care of it...but nothing was working. But then she realized that she hadn't washed her husband's body armor (bullet proof vest) carrier in quite some time and asked him why (it typically needed to be washed weekly or else it to would horrible). He told her that since wearing his Maxx-Dri Vest his undershirt stays dry (due to the 100% increase in body armor ventilation and breathability The Maxx-Dri Vest creates) and thus his vest doesn't get soaked in sweat like it used to. Therefore it doesn't stink all the time like it used to and subsequently doesn't need to be washed. And that's when his wife went to the computer and emailed 221B Tactical.
This hockey mom has since reported that her son has been wearing The Maxx-Dri Vest beneath his hockey pads for some time now and for the first time ever his hockey pads are not soaked in stinky sweat after practice and games. She even reported that her son's Under Armor shirt, for the first time ever, was almost completely dry after practice one day. Her son said that he could actually FEEL the air circulating beneath his pads as he skated around. He also told his mom that his pads even felt more comfortable while wearing The Maxx-Dri Vest. This is due to the cushioning, anti-gravity effect The Maxx-Dri Vest offers....in addition to ventilation for the hockey shoulder pads.
The company is now in the final stages of producing a full-blown production model of The Maxx-Dri Vest specifically designed to be worn with youth hockey pads and youth football pads. And parents from around the country, who are fed up of trying to mask the odors with febreeze, are already lining up to be the first to get their hands on it. The company is anticipating a high volume of orders and is putting measures in place to be prepared. When the company first launched their Maxx-Dri Vest for police officers they sold out within days and the vests were then back-ordered for weeks. They realize that this is not only going to take care of the hockey and football pad odor issue, but also potentially reduce the occurrence of dangerous infections in these young athletes....which is truly the bigger concern here.
If you would like to learn more about 221B's Maxx-Dri Vest for youth hockey and football pad ventilation for your child, email them at sales@221btactical.com.
Additional Information for Parents:
What Is MRSA?
MRSA stands for Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, which the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention explains is "a type of staph bacteria that is resistant to many antibiotics."
According to the CDC, "In the community, most MRSA infections are skin infections. In medical facilities, MRSA causes life-threatening bloodstream infections, pneumonia and surgical-site infections."
MRSA is often found in sports situations, where students sweat in close quarters and share equipment - especially if students don't properly clean their uniforms or shoes after playing.
MRSA can spread when people share towels, razors, or if an open wound becomes infected. MRSA-infected wounds can also happen on places on the body where uniforms or equipment cause skin irritation or increased rubbing.
Other common places MRSA can be contracted or spread is daycares, schools, military barracks, and other similar places, according to the CDC's website.
What Does an MRSA Infection Look Like?
According to the CDC, MRSA infections in the early stages are often mistaken for a spider bite. It can appear as a red, swollen bump that may be warm to the touch.
Particularly if a bump like this persists and does not heal, or is accompanied by a fever, the sufferer should contact a doctor.
How Can One Help Prevent MRSA Infections?
The CDC offers these tips:
- Maintain good hand and body hygiene. Wash hands often, and clean your body regularly, especially after exercise.
- Keep cuts, scrapes, and wounds clean and covered until healed.
- Avoid sharing personal items such as towels and razors.
- Get care early if you think you might have an infection.
- Athletes should shower as soon after a workout, game or practice as possible.
Courtesy Fairfax City Patch
Buy on Amazon -> https://amzn.to/38uTP1T
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