How Police Officers Can Stop Feeling Hot, Sweaty, Itchy and Miserable While Wearing Body Armor
After spending 13 years on the job as a full time Police Officer, the thing that bothered me the most while on patrol was how uncomfortable it was to wear body armor. It was somewhat bearable in the winter months. But come the summer time, it was brutal and borderline unbearable. This was a concern from a comfort standpoint but also a safety standpoint.
So how does body armor comfort play into safety? Simple. As a police officer or anyone working in law enforcement, the most important thing is focus. No matter how good your training is or how awesome your gear is, if you're not focused you're putting yourself at risk for injury and/or death.
Now more than ever police officers and first responders need to be focused on the threats in front of them. Cops are not just dealing with the threats they were called to deal with but also civilians around them that are anti-police are calling to defund the police.
The Maxx-Dri Vest for body armor cooling, ventilation and comfort is now worn by nearly 200k police officers, first responders, soldiers and operators around the world. And it is these individuals that have provided over 16k Five Star Reviews for The Maxx-Dri cooling vest.
With 360° separation and air flow, The Maxx-Dri Vest is the only product Tested and Recommended by The NTOA (National Tactical Officers Association) that is NIJ Certified Lab Tested and proven to help keep those who wear body armor cooler, drier, less sweaty and more comfortable. This, in turn, also results in less itch, less rash (particularly heat rash) and less of that ever so familiar body armor odor.
Certified testing found that The Maxx-Dri Vest helped reduce backface deformation by 9.9% (when shot with 44 magnum) and reduced body surface temperature by 23°F.
The Maxx-Dri Vest for body armor ventilation comes with a 30 money back guarantee and a limited lifetime warranty (against manufacturer defects). So the reality is, you have absolutely nothing to lose by giving it a try. If you don't love it, we insist you send it back for a 100% refund.
I know our brave police officers, soldiers and first responders are on the front lines every single day helping to keep us safe. As stated, I was right there on those front lines for 13 years. That is why I am committed to helping you be safer and more comfortable while on the job so you can ultimately get home alive.
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