Police Officer Invents Ventilation and Cooling Vest That's Worn Under Your Body Armor To Help Keep You Less Sweaty, Cooler and Odor/Itch Free
If you've ever worn body armor, I don't have to tell you how hot, sweaty and miserable it can be; especially in the warmer, Summer months. Wrapping yourself in a 1/2" thick blanket of non-breathable body armor is also a recipe for sweat, oder and bacteria.
But the one thing many don't think about when suffering while wearing body armor is the lack of focus it creates. Being hot, sweaty, itchy and stinky under your body armor is one thing. But the distraction it creates by taking your attention off the threats around you could be the most dangerous (and potentially deadly) consequence of all.
After ten (10) years of suffering while wearing body armor on the job as a full time police officer, Suresh Madhavan had had enough. The excessive sweat was leading to a host of issues including skin rashes on his chest and back. Not to mention the horrible body armor odor which was a result of his vest soaking in sweat all day long. He knew there had to be a solution.
After scouring the internet, to his utter disbelief, Suresh found that there was literally nothing available that addressed his concerns for body armor cooling, ventilation and odor. That's when he realized he would have to take matters into his own hands.
“It’s been 90 everyday since the Maxx-Dri vest arrived. It is absolutely amazing. I used to have heat rash and a smelly vest at the end of the day. Now it feels like it’s 75 and my ballistic vest is nearly dry." - Brad G.
Utilizing his background in bio-chemistry and physics, Suresh began researching ways to create separation between his body armor and base layer shirt. He realized that wearing moisture wicking shirts was absolutely useless if wearing thick body armor over them.
After multiple failed attempts over a period of six (6) months, Suresh was finally able to produce the first working prototype of what would soon become the Maxx-Dri Vest. This vest was created using a specially developed polyester polymer which created the required space (separation) beneath his body armor to allow heat to escape and cool air to rush in and circulate under his body armor vest.
“I’ve had the vest for about a week and a half and wow. I can’t believe I didn’t hear about this sooner. It’s beyond comfortable and allows PLENTY of airflow between myself and my soft armor. I also don’t sweat as much while wearing it.” - Matt M.
Today, ten (10) years after the world was first introduced to The Maxx-Dri Vest for Body Armor Cooling,Ventilation and Air Flow, there are over 250,000 daily users world wide. And with over 20,000 Five Star Reviews, it's safe to say that The Maxx-Dri Vest works.
If you're sick and tired of peeling a sweat-soaked shirt off your body and the end of every shift, dealing with clammy skin, skin rashes, itchiness and embarrassing odor, the Maxx-Dri Vest for body armor ventilation, cooling and comfort was made for you. And if you ask the over 250,000 of your peers, they'll tell you the same thing.
“Total game changer! I’m a person who gets overheated very easily, I soak through my uniform shirt and my vest carrier is wet at the end of my shift. The Maxx-Dri 4.0 has changed my life. Now at the end of shift I’m not rushing to take my uniform off because my of being uncomfortable, now I am amazed that my shirts are dry and my vest isn’t wet at the end of a warm day.” - Juan B.
The Maxx-Dri Vest by 221B Tactical comes with a limited Lifetime Warranty, is machine washable (hangs dry...does not go in the dryer), and comes with a “No Sweat Guarantee.” If for any reason you’re not 100% satisfied with your purchase, 221B Tactical INSISTS you send it back (for those who purchased it through them directly) for a full refund. They’ll even cover the return shipping cost. But it doesn’t end there. Upon receiving your return, they’re gonna mail you a free gift as a token of their appreciation for you giving the product a try.
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