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  • How to set up a plate carrier, the best place for your IFAK and where your plate carrier should sit on your body.
    February 8, 2024

    How to set up a plate carrier, the best place for your IFAK and where your plate carrier should sit on your body.

    How To Set Up A Plate Carrier

    First things first; why are you wearing a plate carrier. You must first answer this question before moving on to the next steps. Are you simply wearing it for protection against being shot? If so, what kind of bullets are you concerned about getting shot with; .223 or 9mm (or one of the many other rifle or pistol rounds)?

    Are you yourself carrying a weapon? If so, what kind of weapon; a rifle or a pistol. If so, you will need to carry additional ammo. How much ammo will you need to carry. Maybe you're carrying a rifle and a pistol as a secondary weapon. In this case, you'll have to carry ammo for both weapons.

    All these things must be taken into consideration prior to setting up your plate carrier. But for now, let's start off with the type of plates you need.

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  • The best plate carrier for Police Patrol, SWAT, private security and civilian use...designed to keep you comfortable & safe
    May 8, 2019

    The best plate carrier for Police Patrol, SWAT, private security and civilian use...designed to keep you comfortable & safe

    When it comes to your safety, you should NEVER compromise. That said, something that many of us don't consider when selecting gear is speed and long term comfort. By this we mean how quickly can I get this piece of gear into action effectively and, once in use, how comfortable will I be over an extended period of time?

    The Real-World Tactical Signature Edition Shadow Plate Carrier by 221B Tactical was specifically designed to take care of these vital concerns. With features engineered and built in to this one-of-a-kind plate carrier, designed specifically for police patrol officers, SWAT officers and specialty unit officers, The Shadow Plate Carrier was designed with a singular purpose: Keep you comfortable. Let you move fast and free. Keep you ALIVE.

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  • Police Officer Invents Product to Battle Itching, Heat Rash, Prickly Heat, Chaffing and Irritation Caused By Body Armor
    June 25, 2018

    Police Officer Invents Product to Battle Itching, Heat Rash, Prickly Heat, Chaffing and Irritation Caused By Body Armor

    You see, when your body armor sweat doesn't have the ability to evaporate it remains soaked in your undershirt and/or your body armor. This leads to bacterial growth. When this bacteria remains soaked against your skin it can eventually work its' way into your pores. And this is when the itching, rash, pain and suffering begins. Often times this can't be cured by powders or creams.
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