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Corona Virus Protection Protocols For Police Officers & First Responders

Corona Virus Protection Protocols For Police Officers & First Responders

While many are being ordered to work from home, Police Officers and first responders are being ordered to work overtime during this Coronavirus pandemic. And as the COVID-19 virus spreads, more and more restrictions will be put in place which will surely make many uneasy and, in some cases, unruly.

Now more than ever, Police and Law Enforcement Officers must protect themselves from the dangers encountered while on the job. This is not just important to the officers themselves but also to their children and families at home. Because the last thing any police officer wants to do is bring home a potentially deadly virus and pass it along to their kids.

As most know by now, proper hand-washing is critical. Although there are reports that the novel Coronavirus can survive in the air for a short period of time under certain conditions, the primary means for it to enter your body it via mucous membranes. This is why it is so important to not touch these areas whether you feel your hands are clean or not. And you should be washing your hands thoroughly before eating with your hands.

In dealing with subjects on patrol, keep your distance. This is a good practice for your safety even if the Coronavirus is not a concern. Additionally, avoid bare-handed contact. Many feel that only skin to skin contact should be avoided. However this couldn't be further from the truth.

How long does the Coronavirus last on surfaces? Research has shown that the COVID-19 Coronavirus can survive on surfaces for up to three days. That said, it is critical to always be mindful of the things you are touching and coming in contact with. Even touching a subjects clothing or personal effects, like their cell phone, can lead to potential infection.

The Coronavirus is not transmitted transdermally; meaning you can't contract it by simply touching a compromised surface. The virus must be introduced to your system via mucous membranes. This means there is no need to panic should you come in contact with infected persons or compromised surfaces so long as you immediately wash your hands and avoid any actions which would introduce the virus to your mucous membranes (e.g. eyes, mouth, nose, ears).
The above video provides an overview of precautions Police Officers and First Responders can take to help protect themselves from the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). I also touch on some commonly asked questions I've been receiving and point out some equipment you can use to keep you and your family safer.

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Rickie - March 27, 2020

Everyone talks about LEO, first responders, Dr and nurse’s. All jobs which i have highly respect and may they continue to work with good health. But 1 profession that is over looks are Correctional officers. They have to deal with inmates, humid facilities ect. not here and there like LEO (LEO deal with civilians) but every second of the day. Most not for 8 hours but 16 hours. I work in the first prison for a employee to test positive in the state of Wisconsin. I will be ordering glove in the next few days. I thank you all for what you do for all of us.

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