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The Best Front Passenger Seat Organizer for Police Law Enforcement Patrol Car, Contractors and Mobile Office

The Best Front Passenger Seat Organizer for Police Law Enforcement Patrol Car, Contractors and Mobile Office

For Police Officers, First Responders and anyone who works out of their car (mobile office) for a living, organization is key. When you are organized, you are more efficient. When you are more efficient, you can more effectively do your job. And for those in law enforcement like Police Officers, being more effective and focused while on the job could literally save your life.

After spending 13 years on the job working primarily out of a police patrol car, I quickly realized that my car was my office. It's where I ate breakfast, lunch and dinner. It's where I spent many nights, weekends and holidays. It's where I did my paperwork and reports. It was where I took my breaks and had a snack. And it was where I prepared to handle nearly anything the job threw my way. That is why I truly understood the value of organization within my vehicle. 

Today, as a busy business owner and entrepreneur, I realize the importance of organization and efficiency. And as someone who is in their vehicle for the better part of the day, it's imperative that my truck is also a fully functioning mobile office. I need to be able to do most anything in my vehicle that can be done in my actual office.

The Harlej Passenger Seat Organizer is like nothing else on the market today. When I designed it, I thought of all the things I kept in my vehicle and all the tasks that I needed to get done on a daily basis. It gives you all the storage, organization and security you want and need in a vehicle seat organizer. Whether it's for you and your business, your personal life or your children, this passenger seat organizer bag is sure to become your best friend and new favorite asset.

The video above goes into detail about all the features of this incredible passenger seat organizer. To see more detailed photos, read more about the specs. and to shop, click here.

To hear the story about how The Harlej bag got it's name, click here.

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