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Veteran Police Officer Designs Tactical Socks for Female Police Officers, Military Soldiers, and Fitness Enthusiasts!

Veteran Police Officer Designs Tactical Socks for Female Police Officers, Military Soldiers, and Fitness Enthusiasts!

If you're a woman who is looking for a pair of socks that are highly comfortable (padded heel and sole), breathable, moisture wicking, anti-odor and anti-bacterial AND provide graduated compression for increased blood flow (and zero sagging), you may have just found your next pair of socks!! 

Soon after it's initial launch of The Maxx-Dri Silver Compression Socks for men, New York City based 221B Tactical became inundated with requests from female police officers from around the county (and beyond) to develop a pair of socks specifically for ladies.

Based on the massive response to and success of the mens version of these socks, Founder and CEO Suresh Madhavan decided to go ahead and enter the uncharted territory  of "female apparel." Madhavan said that there was a gross lack of product offerings to women in law enforcement and the military. In fact, when he started to researching the matter, he found that many companies steered clear of developing specific female products altogether. "For some reason it was a space that many companies did not want to even enter into" said Madhavan. "But we knew that the numbers for female police officers and female soldiers was growing, so we decided to go for it." And so far, their gamble has paid off.


The company's first product to market for female police officers, soldiers and athletes are The Women's Maxx-Dri Silver Elite socks. Like the mens version, the socks feature "Aerosilver" which is incorporated directly into the weave of the socks. This provides anti-bacterial and anti-odor protection. 

The socks also feature the same side ventilation panels and the graduated compression found on the mens version of the socks. "We knew we had to do more than simply make a smaller version of the mens socks" said Madhavan. So he carefully studied the lower leg anatomy of women, as compared to men, and incorporated his findings into the new product for women. And thus far, the feedback and response has been incredible.





Previous article The Best Tactical Jeans for Both Casual and Tactical Missions



Theses socks look comfortable,and i like the padded heel, are they good to wear with boots when the weather is warmer,or do you recommend a different style

Michael Ryan - October 6, 2017

Totally going to get a pair of these for my girlfriend! Looks like they would be awesome for snowboarding and hiking!

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